What makes honey?
What is honey made of ?
Honey is formed from
the nectar of plants and the secretions of plant parts (the so-called mandi).
Bee secretions are collected in the absence of nectar: you may have seen
droplets hanging from the leaves of plants, even in the heat. Honey is also
made from honeydew and the secretions of insects, such as aphids. Aphids feed
on plant sap, pass it through themselves, and secrete sweat droplets, which
bees also collect. Everything collected by the bees goes to the hive. There,
bees process nectar, dew, and honey - they bring the secrets of the salivary
glands. Insects also remove water from the nectar (its content decreases from
50 to 20%), transfer droplets from one hive to another, and ventilate the
honeycomb with their wings so that the moisture evaporates faster. When the
honey in the hives is ready, the bees close it.
Why do bees make honey?
Of course, it is
not destined for us, but for themselves: to feed offspring and to
What makes honey?
Honey contains
about 300 different substances. 95% of them are sugars and not just glucose and
fructose, there are more than 40 types of them in honey. Simple sugars -
glucose and fructose - are absorbed by the body without splitting; most of them
are in honey. And sucrose, a common sugar, must be The body breaks it down into
the same glucose and fructose for assimilation. Almost the entire periodic
table is also found in honey. Mineral substances enter honey from the nectar,
which in turn comes from the root of plants. Most of all, it contains
potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. In terms of mineral composition,
Honey is close to the composition of our blood.In addition, honey contains 14
enzymes (among them invertase, which breaks down sucrose, and diastase, which
breaks down sugars and high molecular weight carbohydrates such as starch).
Honey is believed to help with colds. it's the truth?
Yes, it helps.
It strengthens the body because it consists of carbohydrates, which do not
require much energy to be broken down, which is especially important when a
person is sick. Honey stimulates the work of the heart muscle, kidneys, and
liver. About colds sobenno useful white honey. Flowers Linden is useful in
itself, and its broth is recommended for people who have a cold. And honey
contains everything that is precious in the flowers.
Who is harming honey?
Some people are
allergic to honey from food, of course, it is not recommended for them.
According to official data, 0.8% of people suffer from this intolerance. It is
also not recommended to use honey for diabetics and for people who are
What is the difference between the different types of honey?
The types of honey
depend on the plant origin of the nectar. Light honey - lemon, meadowsweet,
sweet clover. Dark - chestnut, buckwheat. Darkness outperforms light in mineral
content and in enzyme activity.
What is imitation honey?
Real honey is obtained
from the nectar of plants and aphids. And imitation honey contains other
products: the bees are fed, for example, sugar syrup or starch syrup, and they
process all this into honey, but it is clear that this honey does not contain
anything useful.
How to distinguish real honey from fake in the store?
There is practically nothing without laboratory research. When buying, ask for certificates of conformity from accredited laboratories, and manufacturers must supply their stores.
It is difficult to
understand by eye whether honey is of high quality or not. There are all kinds
of old methods, but they work in a ratio of 50 to 50. It is unreliable to
determine the color: for example, everyone is accustomed to the fact that
buckwheat honey is dark, but It can also be light. The best way to identify
fakes is by smell. Honey is very fragrant. If bees processed sugar syrup, which
was simply poured into a jar, and not flower nectar, honey would not smell. If
there was nectar, it would be. For example Example, buckwheat honey has a
pungent smell, smells pungent, hits the nose, crumbles to tears. Try to take
honey in trusted places from trusted people, preferably in an apiary. And look
at what kind of hands the seller has. If they are swollen, that person is
really communicating with bees. And if it's clean, then barely, because bees
How is honey stored properly?
It is no coincidence that bees store honey in the depths of the hive and in the cells, and even close it with honeycombs. At high temperatures, honey loses its beneficial qualities, so it must be kept at a temperature of 5-10 degrees heat. In a dry place because the honey is very wet. Then the honey will retain its qualities for several years.
How do we know that honey is bad?
Sugar begins to increase in volume due to the decomposition of carbon dioxide, water, fats, and other substances. External smells and tastes appear. If you eat such honey, then nothing bad will happen to you. But you will not. You want to eat. : loss of appetite and taste.
Can honey be heated?
Impossible, because high temperatures kill biologically active substances. With prolonged heating, a substance called hydroxymethylfurfural is also formed: its high content indicates that honey is very hot, and therefore its value is no longer the same. Although honey, one way or another, still needs to be heated. It is usually collected in large containers for reuse, including heating. According to the recommendations, honey can be heated to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, but in such conditions, it should not be stored for more than a day.
Hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in honey only when it is heated and stored for a long time - the simple carbohydrates that makeup it are dried out. The question of carcinogenicity hydroxymethylfurfural is likely to be a carcinogen, but it is very weak. An increase in the amount of this substance in honey may indicate that the product has It has been stored or heated for a long time. But you should not be afraid of hydroxymethylfurfural. First, how much honey can you eat? A little. Second, hydroxymethylfurfural is found in all sugary foods. For example, even if it is produced in jams and juices Fruit, these products are yours. Only when you make jam at home, you don't measure what's inside and don't even think about it, despite it containing this substance. Many baked goods are rich in hydroxymethylfurfural, and coffee lovers unknowingly consume large amounts on a regular basis. Understood. Honey is on everyone's lips, so myths spread. In addition, the concentration of hydroxymethylfurfural itself in small honeycomb risks is completely irrational. In this world, we encounter many carcinogens, from smoking and alcohol to light The sun, which is more dangerous factors.
Can honey be diluted with tea?
Yes, do not be afraid to dilute honey with water. Even if there is time to form five molecules of hydroxymethylfurfural, your body will not feel it in any way.
Crystallized and solid honey - good or bad?
The difference from soft is incompatibility. The quality is the same. This is the same as honey. Over time, any honey crystallizes, because in fact, it is a sugar solution saturated with various substances. And the sugar should crystallize over time. The fresher the honey, the softer it is.
How much should honey cost?
The most expensive Alpine is found not only in the Alps but also in the Caucasus - in the Alpine region where honey plants grow. You cannot get to these heights alone, but also on foot. In our area, in the Samara region, the most widespread and available honey is herbal, linden, buckwheat, and sunflower honey. more: there is more moisture in meadows, so the concentration of nutrients is higher than in nectar. The price also depends on how much money the beekeeper spends on the maintenance of the bee colonies and where the bees get the nectar from if you have few sunflowers. and buckwheat, then there will be a lot of points, which means the price will be lower. Listen, white acacia is More expensive, the price of honey starts at 55 rubles per kilogram if you take more than three tons. The real average price of one good honey in a store or on the market is 400-500 rubles/kg.
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